Digital Edition on the iPad

Digital Edition on the iPad

Friday, April 11, 2014

Do Androids Dream of...

... Digital Editions?
I bet they do!

And now their dreams and ours have come true!
Video Watchdog Digital Editions are now available on Android devices!

The new Free Video Watchdog app for Android and Windows devices is now in the Google Play Store! Download it to your phone, tablet, or Windows 8 computer and get issue 175 while it's still available for free. Issue 176 will be out shortly and will magically appear on your devices when it is available. Just tap to download and keep it forever.

A shout-out to VW reader and Facebook friend Dan Dougill from Streamwood, Illinois! He was the first to find and download the app last night to his Android mobile phone and made a post on the Video Watchdog Facebook page about it.

"I started checking for it after you mentioned it on your blog and just happened to check the Play Store today. App looks great and the sign-in was easy," he told us.

We hoped to bring this out earlier, but there have been some glitches along the way. The folks at Yudu were great in helping to work out the kinks. More tweaking will be done to the app itself as we go along. Also, the app for Kindle Fire devices is still in the works. We should have news on that in a couple of weeks.

Dan still loves print, but he thinks the digital side has its advantages. "Downloaded the Bava book sample which I'll be checking out later tonight," he said. "I'm going to start looking at tablets to get, when I have the money, just because I think it will be better for reading the magazine and book. (I still plan on getting the hard copy, but looking forward to the bells and whistles of the e-versions)."

And... Mario Bava – All the Colors of the Dark is also available within the VW app for only $29.99! If you purchase it from our website here, you can also use it on your computer, iPad/iPhone/Android/Windows devices as well. Same price; more flexibility.

I'll write in more detail about some of these features soon. Check it out and let us know what you think. Leave a rating or a review if you feel so inclined on the app itself.

Oh! And as a little bonus, we've republished issue 175 and the Bava book for the Flash and iOS side, integrating bookmarks, notes and highlighting in the mix. Go ahead and download it again if you have it already. Updates are always free.

Cross-platform at last! You've got the app. I need a nap.