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In our Letterbox
Good morning!
Can I just tell you how awesome the Digital Archive is?
I just started reading Issue 7. Coppola's TITIAN? Never heard of it. 3 versions of TERROR CREATURES FROM THE GRAVE? I had no idea.
I am SO glad I pledged for the complete archive during Your Kickstarter campaign. Thank you for this magnum opus. I'll be reading for years :)
Happy Holidays,
--Volker Stieber
Winston-Salem, NC
Pre-order the entire 176-Digital Archive by December 1 for 27% off, and be one of the first to get a complete collection of Video Watchdog for all your devices!
Well... hello!!
It's been great bringing you FREE digital editions this month!
The final two we've chosen for previewing are very special indeed. These are the Signature Editions we published that were autographed by Donnie Dunagan (SON OF FRANKENSTEIN, voice of BAMBI), and Ann Carter (THE CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE). We still have some of the autographed print copies available too.
Tom Weaver interviewed them both exclusively for Video Watchdog and helped introduce Donnie Dunagan into the fan-based community after years of obscurity. We met him and his lovely wife Dana on several occasions and consider them very dear friends. Donnie supplied us with a wealth of photos and scrapbook pages that we will be integrating into this digital edition as it continues to evolve.
Ann Carter Newton passed away in January this year. She was one of the sweetest women I have ever had the pleasure of speaking to. She also sent us a wealth of photos and stills to publish that we will add in as the archive grows. Weaver's interview in this issue tells of her film career and her struggles with polio at an early age and cancer later in life. A very brave, strong woman, and a sweet soul--we miss her dearly.
We hope you've enjoyed these free peeks this month. We can't wait till they are released in mid-December to the world!